What Trees Are the Best for Building a House

Houses and Homes

Houses are buildings that people tin can alive, eat and sleep in. They protect yous from dangers and bad weather. Most houses show the lifestyles, traditions and cultures of the people who live in them. Homes and houses have different shapes and sizes . They are congenital of unlike materials that depending on the climate of the surface area you alive in.

Building materials

Long agone, people built homes with whatsoever building materials that they had. In Africa and some islands of the South Pacific they used grass or leaves that grew nearby. In the south-western part of the United States the Pueblo Indians used sun-dried bricks to build their houses.

Fifty-fifty though today yous can send materials all over the globe, it is yet easier and cheaper to use the materials that are at manus . In that location are four basic kinds of textile that are used today.

In the northern part of N America and in northern Europe woods has been the master building fabric for many centuries . Early settlers in America built log cabins and in Scandinavia people designed wooden houses with large beams and balconies.

Log cabin in Russia

Log cabin in Russian federation - copyright by Лесной Волк

Brick is among the oldest and well-nigh popular building material . Information technology lasts long and is easy to go. Brick is often used to build row houses . Early Dutch settlers brought bricks across the Atlantic to build their outset houses.

Stone is the longest lasting of all building materials. Atmospheric condition cannot destroy it so much and insects and animals cannot bore into it every bit they can into wood. Stone has been used for many centuries because it cannot be destroyed past fire. It has been used for all sorts of houses, from palaces to farmers' cottages

In modernistic buildings we use concrete instead of stone and brick. It is cheaper and tin can be produced almost everywhere. Concrete is a mixture of sand , broken stones, water and other materials. Cement is added to concur information technology together. Steel rods are oft put into the concrete , to agree it together when buildings get higher.

Edifice a business firm

Before you really build a house at that place a lot of things you must practise outset. You must have a piece of land on which your house tin exist built, and so you should ask an architect or builder to find out if there are any restrictions or limitations on building in the area. A construction cartoon of the house shows the size, social club of the rooms, where doors and windows are and other details . So yous ordinarily need a building let to start building your house.

The foundation supports your house. Construction workers beginning excavation holes for the footings , which support the walls of the firm. They are made by pouring concrete into forms that attain down below the frost line and then that the house cannot movement when it freezes in winter. The area that is beneath the ground is chosen the basement or cellar. Many basements have extra rooms that are used for the house's heating or for storage . Not all houses take basements, those in wet regions are oftentimes put on stilts .

Stilt houses in Myanmar

Stilt houses

The frame is the skeleton around which the balance of the house is built. Workers put beams into the foundation that support the exterior walls. Slabs are the horizontal parts of the frame that separate the floors . When the frame is finished the walls are raised .

The roof protects the business firm from rain and sun. Some roofs are apartment others are slanted to pb rain and snowfall downwardly. They are built of dissimilar materials, depending on the climate and amount of rainfall.

Interior structure

When the outside of the house is finished you must first working on the interior . Windows, doors have to be built into the frame. Wires must be laid for electricity and power . Plumbers install the pipes through which water flows through. A new house has to be insulated in guild to reduce heating costs and to save money. Nearly houses have central heating system. A furnace or boiler, mostly in the basement, warms up the water which then leads through pipes through the whole house. Cold water returns through the pipes and into the furnace where it is heated up once more. More and more houses install air-conditioning to cool down in the summer months. Finally , the walls are painted and the rooms busy .

Civilisation and Lifestyle

Home styles effectually the world are different because of culture and tradition. Western-style houses and buildings are found all over the world. With their simple pattern they are slowly replacing traditional houses in the Middle East and Asia.

In big cities where there is not enough space people often alive in apartments. They appear in all kinds of sizes and forms - from one-room apartments to apartments with balconies or terraces or even penthouses . Town or row houses are ofttimes found in cities . They accept dissever street entrances merely frequently share the same walls.

Many suburban residents live in unmarried-family houses with their own yards and gardens. Sometimes they are congenital in groups that are owned and sold by a company.. In rural areas farmhouses unremarkably stand up alone, surrounded past fields, barns and huts.

In some parts of the world people don't always live in the same place. They motility their homes constantly . The Plains Indians in America took their tepees with them when they were post-obit buffalo herds. In Central Asia nomads live in tents which they bear with them . In other counties people live in houseboats on rivers. Mobile homes are becoming more and more popular , especially in America . They tin exist loaded onto a truck and towed from one place to another.

Mobile Home in America
Mobile home in America - copyright by Muffingg

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  • corporeality = how much , quantity
  • appear = to exist seen
  • at paw =available , something that exists
  • befouled = a large farm building in which you have crops or keep fauna
  • bones = master
  • beam = a long heavy piece of wood or metal that is used to build houses
  • bore = to make a deep hole into an object
  • brick = a hard cake of broiled dirt used for building walls and houses
  • buffalo = an fauna like a cow with curved horns
  • century = a hundred years
  • physical = a material that you go when you mix sand, stones, water and cement together
  • constantly = ever
  • construction cartoon = an exact plan for a edifice or a house
  • cottage = a small business firm in the country
  • decorate = to paint the inside of a room and go far wait more attractive
  • depend =directly affected or decided by something else
  • design = plan, make
  • destroy =to damage completely
  • dig = to brand a pigsty in the earth
  • Dutch = the people or the language of kingdom of the netherlands
  • electricity =the ability that travels through wires and cables; it gives usa calorie-free and heat and runs machines
  • entrance = a door to go far
  • basis = the bricks and stones that are under a edifice and agree information technology to the ground
  • foundation = aforementioned as "ground"
  • frame = the structure and master exterior parts of a building
  • furnace = heater, oven
  • insulated = to cover something with a material that does not permit estrus or electricity from getting in or out
  • interior = inner
  • lay –laid = put, place, install
  • lead = guide
  • limitation =decision-making or reducing something
  • load = put on
  • log cabin = a small house made of logs
  • mobile domicile = a business firm that you tin can pull with a auto from i place to the other
  • own = to accept
  • palace = a large , beautifully decorated house
  • penthouse = a very expensive and comfortable flat on the superlative floor of a building
  • permit = a written statement that gives you lot the correct to do something
  • pipage = a tube through which water or gas can flow
  • plumber = someone who repairs water pipes, baths, toilets etc.
  • popular = well liked , mutual
  • protect =defend, baby-sit
  • enhance = to put upwards
  • reach down = become down to
  • replace = exchange; to use instead
  • resident = a person who lives or stays in a certain place
  • restriction = a rule or a law that controls what people can do
  • row house = house that is function of a line of houses that are continued together
  • rural = in the land
  • separate =divide
  • settler = someone who goes to live in a place where not many people have lived before
  • shape = form
  • share = here: have together
  • size =how big something is
  • skeleton =frame, structure of a building
  • slab = a thick apartment slice of hard material, like stone
  • slanted =slope, at an bending
  • steel rod = a long thin pole made of steel
  • stilt = a pole that support a building or a house above the ground or above h2o
  • storage =to proceed in a special place until yous need information technology
  • suburban = in a suburb
  • support = agree up, continue upward
  • environment = to be around
  • tepee = a round tent with a pointed top, used by Native Americans
  • though =while
  • tow = pull
  • truck = a large machine used to carry goods (British English language: lorry)
  • wire = thin long piece of metal through which electricity passes


Source: https://www.english-online.at/art-architecture/houses-and-homes/houses.htm

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