53 Best Bible Trivia Questions And Answers - Learn new facts.

Bible stories are very popular when information technology comes to kids, which is why nosotros won't be surprised if you know a lot about the Bible. But, how practiced are you lot at Bible trivia questions and answers? TheseBible trivia questions are fun questions to ask if y'all want to intermission the water ice with someone you just met.

Now, we know that not everyone may take grown upward with the Bible merely these ice billow questions will give others an idea of what was in the Bible. Anyone will savour these and accept a better understanding of the Bible and the Christian and Catholic religions.

TheseBible quiz questions will also help those that would like to learn more about the Bible.


half dozen Best Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

The best Bible trivia questions are those that you may still think but may find challenging. We've handpicked the all-time ones out of the rest.

Hither are the half-dozen all-time Bible trivia questions:

i. How old is the Quondam Attestation?

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Over 3000 years onetime

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The One-time Attestation was the original Bible for the Hebrews. Information technology'south pretty difficult to imagine how long 3000 years agone was.

2. Who is the oldest person written in the bible?

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Methuselah who died at the age of 969

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Methuselah is a patriarchal figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He lived the longest amongst all of the figures mentioned in the Bible. Can you lot imagine living that long?

3. What is the shortest poetry in the bible?

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John 11:35 "Jesus sept."

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This phrase is famous for being the shortest verse in a lot of versions of the Bible. Withal, it is not the shortest verse in the original languages.

4. Co-ordinate to the Gospels, which literary genre does Jesus implement to help preach his message?

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The parable

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A parable is a unproblematic story that illustrates a moral or spiritual lesson. In the Bible, these stories are told by Jesus.

5. Whose example does Paul say Christians should follow in Chapter 5 of Ephesians?

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Christ'due south

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Christianity and the Bible heavily emphasize on emulating Christ in our daily lives.

vi. In 1 Corinthians, which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities?

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This is co-ordinate to Paul'southward formulation in Corinthians. The Bible holds love to high regard. It makes the globe go circular, as they say.

6 Random Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

Theserandom trivia questions and answersare so random that you lot'll start to wonder if they were fifty-fifty in the Bible. You've probably never heard about these facts, but now you'll know them.

Here are 5 random bible trivia questions:

seven. What is the youngest book in the Old Testament?

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The book of Malachi, written about 400 B.C

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If the Bible was written more than 3000 years agone, then the volume of Malachi was written more than 2000 years ago. It'due south still non that young.

8. What is the terminal word of the bible?

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Amen being the final word in the Bible is significant. Fifty-fifty though the Bible is a collection of different books, its concluding give-and-take binds all of it together.

9. How many prophecies does the bible have?

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Prophecies are very important in the Bible. It shows God'due south control over history. When there'southward a prophecy, there's no way it just passes.

ten. What is the longest poesy in the bible?

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Esther 8:9

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The counterpart of "Jesus wept." Esther eight:ix has a total of lxxx words, which makes it the longest poetry in the Bible.

11. What was Ruth'southward married man called?

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Everyone who has read even a piddling bit of the Bible knows Ruth. Ruth and Boaz's story is referred to as the romance that everyone should follow.

12. What did Joshua command to stay nevertheless?

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Moon & Dominicus

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Joshua asked God to command the Moon and Sun to stay still so that he and his army can go on fighting by daylight.

5 Bible Trivia Questions for Adults

The following trivia questions for adults are those that we have always known but need a refresher to remember. There's no doubt that these questions volition be more enjoyable for older people.

Hither are v bible trivia questions for adults:

13. Effectually what ocean did Jesus call His commencement apostles?

xiv. The total number of years the Israelite spent in captivity is?

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The Israelite were held in captivity in Egypt for exactly 430 years according to the Book of Exodus.

fifteen. Where did Jesus grow up after returning from Egypt?

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Both Matthew and Luke agree that Jesus grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. He lived there with his family unit: Mary and Joseph.

xvi. What does Jesus say virtually judging others?

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Judge not.

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Jesus e'er highlights how we should not guess others, whether they be sinners or non.

17. Who is the writer of the Book of Revelation?

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The Book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible.

vi Easy Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

If you're looking foreasy trivia questions that anyone knows the answer to, and then you lot've come to the right place. Anyone will absolutely notice these questions entertaining because they tin answer it right away.

Here are 6 easy bible trivia questions:

18. How many plagues did God transport on Egypt?

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The ten plagues are: turning water to claret, frogs, lice, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and killing of the firstborn children.

nineteen. How many brothers did Joseph take?

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Joseph'southward brothers hated him considering he was favored past their father out of all of them.

20. Who were Adam and Eve's iii sons listed in the Bible?

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Cain, Abel, Seth

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Almost people would simply know Cain and Abel, but Adam and Eve had a third son, Seth.

21. Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?

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A burning bush.

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It was called the burning bush-league because the bush was on burn but it was not being consumed by the flames.

22. How many days did God accept to create the world?

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On the seventh day, he rests and blesses his creation.

23. What 4 books tell almost Jesus' life on Earth?

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Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

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These books are also chosen the four Gospels. They are the written accounts of Jesus' life on Earth.

five Difficult Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

Challenge yourself and the people effectually y'all with thesedifficult trivia questions that will brand anyone call back long and hard. These questions might be difficult, but they volition definitely make you learn a new thing or ii.

Hither are 5 hard bible trivia questions:

24. At which place did Jesus' crucifixion accept place?

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A lot of people are focused on what happened at the crucifixion that no ane really knows where it happened.

25. John the Baptist's begetter was?

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John the Baptist is a well-known figure in the Bible, only his father isn't. Zechariah was a priest in the New Testament.

26. At what age did Moses die?

27. What is the proper name of the wood Noah used in edifice his ark?

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Noah's ark is very famous in the Bible. Almost everyone knows of its story, simply only a few know that the ark is made of gopher.

28. How many pieces of silver did Joseph's brothers receive from Joseph'due south sale into slavery?

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Joseph'south brothers were jealous of him that'southward why they sold their brother for twenty silverish coins. Joseph eventually became the 2d most powerful man in Egypt.

6 Fun Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

Learning about the Bible isn't boring at all. Accept fun knowing more nigh the near famous book with these fun trivia questions that are guaranteed to brand what seems to be tiresome interesting.

Here are 6 fun bible trivia questions:

29. How tall was Goliath?

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About 9'9" tall.

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Although David's meridian was non mentioned in the Bible, Goliath was described every bit "six cubits and a span" which translates to 9 feet and ix inches tall.

30. How many hours exercise you lot demand in order to read the whole Bible aloud?

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70 hourse

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The Quondam Testament volition take you 52 hours, while the New Testament will take y'all 18 hours. Practice you have the time to spare?

31. How many bibles are sold every infinitesimal?

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That makes it the about famous and best selling book of all time.

32. How many "exercise not fear" verses in the Bible? Answer: 365, one for each day of the year

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365, ane for each day of the year.

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Nosotros spend and so much of our fourth dimension anxious and worried. The Bible tells us every day not to worry.

33. How small is the Nano bible being the smallest bible in the world?

34. What is the longest word in the bible?

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Mahershalalhashbaz is the name of Isaiah'southward son. The name means "swift are the spoils, speedy is the plunder."

4 Funny Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

If you call back the Bible is a serious volume, think again. Thesefunny trivia questions will have you laughing while learning more than well-nigh the Bible. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

Hither are iv funny Bible trivia questions:

35. Jesus is not an only child. How many siblings did He have?

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iv brothers and 2 sisters

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He is the only begotten son. He is too the firstborn child of Mary, simply he's not the just son.

36. It is not every mean solar day an fauna begins to talk. Who actually had an argument with his donkey?

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The donkey was given the power to speak after Balaam punished him for not moving. What would you exercise if your pet started talking to y'all?

37. What are the get-go three words in the Bible?

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In the beginning

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The get-go volume of the Bible is Genesis, which discusses the origin of the universe. It merely makes sense that the first words of the Bible are "In the beginning".

38. Who was the shortest reigning king at seven days?

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Zimri was the 5th king of State of israel. His reign lasted 7 days only considering the ground forces elected Omri as male monarch instead.

5 Bible Trivia Questions for Kids

Kids should know Bible trivia every bit much equally adults do. This trivia for kids will add noesis to the little ones likewise as give them something entertaining to retrieve of. Use these Bible trivia for kids.

Here are 5 Bible trivia questions for kids:

39. What animal does Moses compare the people of State of israel to when speaking to the Lord?

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People in the Bible were compared to sheep considering people demand God's protection like the sheep need their shepherd.

forty. What did Rex Solomon ask God to give him?

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God spoke to Male monarch Solomon in a dream. King Solomon could have asked for fabric things but he asked for wisdom instead. Because of this, God gave him more than what he asked for.

41. What instrument did David play?

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David was well known because of his skill in playing the harp. He somewhen succeeded Saul as the Rex of Israel considering of his talent and not bad performances.

42. Afterward Noah got off the gunkhole, what sign did God give to showed his promise to never alluvion the globe again?

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The rainbow was the sign of the covenant betwixt God and the Globe. This is why we accept the saying, "in that location'south a rainbow later on the rain."

43. How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and ii fish?

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About 5000 men

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Jesus took the five loaves of staff of life and two fish and blest them as he looked up to heaven. He gave these to his disciples which they gave to the people. Everyone was able to swallow and even had leftovers.

four Bible History Trivia Questions

The Bible has go a big role of history. In that location has been a lot of proof that the accounts in the Bible are true. This makes the bible a very historical piece of writing. Thesehistory trivia questions will have you thinking how amazing it was that the accounts in the Bible may actually have happened in history.

Here are 4 Bible history trivia questions:

44. How many versions of the Bible are in circulation?

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There are many versions of the Bible because at that place are besides a lot of different manuscripts available, and these manuscripts are in different languages.

45. Who wrote the Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?

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However, the final eight verses of Deuteronomy detailing Moses' death was written by Joshua.

46. In 1930, the world'southward biggest bible was created weighing one,094 pounds by whom?

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Louis Waynai

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He even dedicated more than than 8,000 hours of his life replicating the Bible on such a massive scale.

47. Who wrote the new testament in the first century AD?

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The apostles and missionaries

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Apostles like Matthew, Marker, Luke, and John wrote the new testament. The content is their eyewitness records of what happened in Jesus' life.

3 animals in the bible trivia questions

The Bible covers many topics, simply there'due south a strong emphasis on animals throughout. Examination your bible knowledge with these animal trivia questions.

Here are three fauna trivia questions:

48. In the book of Revelation, Decease rides this fauna.

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A pale horse.

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Death may ride a pale horse in the book of Revelation, merely there are actually four horsemen of the apocalypse in total.

49. During the ten plagues, these animals came out of the river Nile.

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Although the plague of frogs was pretty bad, there were as well many others, including lice, flies, locusts, and more.

fifty. These animals devoured Ahab's wife.

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The bible may exist the word of God, merely it is also incredibly gory and even disturbing at times. Information technology'southward articulate that things were pretty intense in the ancient times.

iii movies nigh the bible trivia questions

Because the Bible is such a popular volume, there have been many films based on information technology. Examination your noesis of these Bible movies with these movie trivia questions.

Here are three movies about the bible trivia questions:

51. In Mel Gibson'southward "Passion of the Christ" what cameo did Mel Gibson make?

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He hammered one of the nails of Jesus' hand.

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Mel Gibson'due south epic biblical film might take been controversial in some circles, but it went on to become the highest-grossing biblical flick of all fourth dimension.

52. He was an role player who was known for his dalliance with a pretty woman. Who also starred in the title part of the 1985 movie "Rex David"?

53. In the film Prince of Egypt, who voiced over for both Moses and God?

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Val Kilmer

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Val Kilmer has been in some incredible films over the years, including Top Gun, The Doors, and Batman Forever.

Downloadable and Printable List of Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf listing of Bible trivia questions and answers (correct-click the image and select Save Epitome As...):

How To Option The Best Bible Trivia Questions

Information technology's not really easy to choose the right Bible trivia. If you lot're looking for the correct questions for the best trivia quiz that you're trying to build, there are things to consider.

Hither is how to pick the best Bible trivia questions:

1. Consider who you're asking

Knowing who yous're going to ask these questions is important. It would be hard to ask someone the like shooting fish in a barrel questions when y'all know they know the Bible from front to back, correct?

ii. Choose both easy and hard

Mix your questions up. Brand sure to have both like shooting fish in a barrel and difficult questions on your list. You can then be sure that your friends and peers will not only take fun, but they'll too be challenged.

3. Brand sure it'due south something they will learn from

Above all, when making a listing, it's of import that whoever y'all're asking volition go something out of your questions. Include questions that have some valuable cognition in them.

More than Awesome Ice Breaker Games And Questions To Ask

If yous're looking for more than questions to ask your friends and peers to break the ice, nosotros've got all kinds for you below.

  1. Yous know a lot near the Bible now, but practise you know plenty about Thanksgiving? These Thanksgiving trivia questions volition help you know things about thanksgiving y'all didn't know earlier.
  2. Getting to know new people doesn't take to be awkward as long every bit yous're armed with these fun ice breaker games that anyone volition enjoy.
  3. Go goosebumps with these Halloween trivia that might just scare your friends.
  4. You'll know more virtually your friends and how they view you lot and each other with these near likely to questions. Everyone's guaranteed to have fun.
  5. For fun and amusing fourth dimension with your friends, why not try some never take I ever games? Everyone volition laugh, no doubt.

In Conclusion

Maybe y'all have a bible night, or you're just trying to break the water ice. Either way, thesebible trivia questions and answers volition put more fun into your normal twenty-four hour period. Information technology's i less problem for you when yous have to think ofice billow questions now.

Thesebible trivia questions will make learning more almost the Bible even more fun than it is. With a mixture of trivia that you already know and those that you may non have paid attention to, thesequestions to ask will be the fun in whatever gathering you may be in. Why not first trying these questions out?


Source: https://www.mantelligence.com/bible-trivia-questions-and-answers/

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